Geometric functions

Geometric functions calculate with geometries (coordinates) of points, arcs or polygons


  • point_xy - make a point attribute based on an X and Y attribute
  • point_yx - make a point attribute based on an Y and X attribute
  • point_isnearby - compare if two points are (almost) the same location
  • pointrow - get the row numbers of a point attribute
  • pointcol - get the column numbers of a point attribute
  • get_x - get the x coordinate of a point attribute
  • get_y - get the y coordinate of a point attribute
  • dist(ance) - calculate the distance between two point sets
  • sq(ua)r(e)dist(ance) - calculate the square distance between two arrays of points
  • bg_buffer_point - creates a buffer polygon for each point in a pointset
  • point - DEPRECIATED: make a point attribute based on an X and Y attribute


Operators based on the boost-polygon library (usually slower than the _bg__-variants, and can only process integer coordinates):

Several boost polygon functions can be combined in a single operator; for the full list of those combinations, see here

Operators based on the boost-geometry library (usually faster and can process float64 (a.k.a. double) coordinates):

For examples, see here.


  • dyna_point / dyna_point_with_ends - configures a point set for an arc on an equal distance
  • dyna_segment / dyna_segments_with_ends - configures a segment set for an arc on an equal distance



