
geometric-functions point_is_NearBy


  • point_isNearby(a, b, margin)


point_isNearby(a, b, margin) results in a boolean data item indicating if the values of point data-item a are within the margin margin of the corresponding values of data item b.


With floating point data values, due to round offs, it can be useful to compare results and accept a margin in which the comparison still results in a True value. Use the point_isNearby function in stead of the == function for point data in these cases.

The comparison between two missing values results in the value True.

The point_isNearBy function can be used in the similar manner as the float_isnearby function.

applies to

Data items a, b, margin with fpoint/dpoint value type


  1. Domain of the arguments must match or be void (literals or parameters can be compared to data items of any domain).
  2. Arguments must have matching:

see also