User Guide GeoDMS RUN

To run the geodmsrun, activate the Command Prompt Window. The GeoDMSRun.exe can then be activated from the command line. The following parameters can/need to be specified:

  • (Optional) /Llogfilename (since version 5.55)
  • (Optional) any combination of /C1 /S1 /C2 /S2 /C3 /S3 to Clear or Set Multiple Threading level 1, 2, or 3. If these parameters are not configured, the default settings (see the GUI, Tools> Options> Advanced dialog) are used. S3 will be used for tile pipelining in the near future, at the moment this setting this parameter has no effect.
  • (Required) ConfigFileName
  • zero or more tree items names (space separated) to be calculated. Multiple item names can be specified, calculated results will be saved in storage’s were configured.


1: Update the result item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms" /result

2: Update the Arithmetics/plus/test_attr and Arithmetics/sub/test_attr items in the C:\prj\test\cfg\operator.dms configuration

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\prj\test\cfg\operator.dms" /Arithmetics/plus/test_attr /Arithmetics/sub/test_attr       

3: Update the results item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration with log information stored in the C:\tmp\log.txt file.

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "/LC:\tmp\log.txt" "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms" /result

4: Update the result item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration with Multi Tasking statusflags 1 and 2 set (even if these are not the default settings).

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" /S1 /S2 "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms" /result

Quotes in the examples are needed for the file names, as spaces may occur in these names. In the tree-item names quotes are not needed, as spaces are not allowed in these names. Note that: The value for localdatadir is read from the registry key Software\ObjectVision\DMS\LocalDataDir (default: C:\LocalData) which can be changed in the Tools -> Options dialog from the geodms-gui.

The GeoDMS GUI settings about logging as saved in the registry is ignored for the GeoDMSRun, use the /L option to enable logging.

Commands can also be combined in a batch file.


With the GeoDMS run it is also possible to get similar statistics as the Statistics detail page of a data-item, presented in a command box or written to a file.

  • use the command @statistics after the name of the configuration and before the item name to get the statistics in the command box
  • use the command @file after the item name with a filename to store the statistics in a file

see the following two examples:

1: Generate the statistics for the results/att item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration in a command box

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms"  @statistics /results/att

2: Generate the statistics for the results/att item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration and write the results to the file: D:\log\stat_att.txt

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\svn\GeoDMS\dev\webgen\cfg\dms.dms" <BR> @statistics /results/att @file D:\log\stat_att.txt