Main menu

user-guide-geodms-gui - main menu


The main menu is used for generic functions like opening a configuration or tiling the viewer windows or to active viewers for active tree-items. In this page all the menu options are briefly described.


  • Open Configuration (Ctrl-O): Open a file dialog to select a new configuration. The current configuration is closed.
  • Reopen current Configuration (Alt-R): Reopen the current configuration with the same items expanded.
  • Quit: Exit the application.
  • Recent configurations: The recently opened configurations are presented as separate menu items. Select a configuration with the mouse or by pressing the number on the keyboard. The number of configurations in this list is not limited. With the right mouse click a pop-up menu can be activated with the following two options:
    • pin (in the future it will become possible to pin a configuration, not yet implemented)
    • remove: removes the configuration from the the recent Recent configurations menu options.


  • Open in Editor: Open the current item in the configuration-file-editor as configured in the Settings > Local machine options dialog, section Configuration File Editor. This option is also available from the pop-up menu of the treeview.


  • Default: Activate the default viewer for the active data-item (the option is only enabled for data items). The default viewer for all data that can be visualized in a map is the map view. For all other data items, the default viewer is the Table view. The icon in the treeview indicates the default viewer.
  • Table: Activate the table-view for the active data item. The option becomes enabled if the tree item can be visualized in a table.
  • Map: Activate the map-view for the active data item. The option becomes enabled if the tree item can be visualized in a map.
  • Statistics: Activate a Window with general statistics for the active data item. The option becomes enabled for data items. The results in the Statistics view can differ slightly from calculated aggregated values. The Statistics view calculates all present values in a float64 format. If an aggregation is performed on a float32 data item, the results are round off after the calculations to a float32 format.
  • Calculation times: Activate a Window with the calculation times and memory usage of the last task that took more than 1 second to complete. This option becomes enabled if such tasks are available.
  • List of loaded Configuration Files: Activate a Window with the currently loaded configuration files, including their read data & time.
  • Toggle component: Toggles the component on or off.


  • Code analysis: Four options to find out if the item configured is used in calculating results (This option is also available from the pop-up menu of the treeview):
    • set source: set the item as source item to be analysed
    • set target: set the item as target item for the calculation process
    • add target: add the item as target item for the calculation process
    • clear target: clear the item as target item for the calculation process
  • Eventlog filter: Activate the filter to select the eventlog messages.
  • Open the root configuration file: Opens the root item in the configuration-file-editor as configured in the Settings > Local machine options dialog, section Configuration File Editor. This option is available here, as the root item can not be activated in the treeview.
  • Expand all items in the treeview: This options expand a full configuration in the TreeView (can be time consuming). The option is mainly relevant for debugging purposes.



  • Tile Windows: Tile the currently opened data viewers. The tab presentation is changed to the standard Windows visualization. The area for the primary data views is fully used by the viewers.
  • Cascade: Cascade the currently opened data viewers. The tab presentation is changed to the standard Windows visualization.
  • Close: Close the active view.
  • Close All: Close all currently opened data views.
  • Close All But This: Close all opened data viewers except the currently active data view
  • Views: All opened data views are presented as separate menu items. The active view is presented with a blue background color in the icon. Each view can be selected from this list.


  • About GeoDms: Open the About GeoDms box for information on the GeoDMS version and the used components.
  • About Qt: Opens the About Qt box for information on the Qt version used to develop the GUI
  • Wiki : Opens the Wiki page of the GeoDms with documentation on how to use the GeoDMS