
arithmetic-functions cumulate


  • cumulate(a)
  • cumulate(a, relation)


  • cumulate(a) results in an attribute with the cumulation of the non null values of attribute a.
  • cumulate(a, relation) results in an attribute with the cumulation of the non null values of attribute a, grouped by the relation. The domain-unit of the resulting attribute is the values unit of the relation attribute.


  1. For domain units with index-numbers starting from 0 (default), cumulate(const(1, domainunit, uint32)) - 1 is synonym for id(domain unit). It is advised to use the id function in such a case.
  2. There is no id(domainunit, relation) function, use cumulate(const(1, domainunit, uint32), relation) - 1 to calculate index numbers for each entry in the relation domain.

applies to


  1. The values-unit of the resulting data-item should match with regard to value type and metric with the values unit of attribute a.
  2. The domain unit of arguments a and relation must match.

since version



1. attribute<uint32> cumulateNrInh       (City) := cumulate(City/NrInhabitants);
2. attribute<uint32> cumulateNrInhRegion (City) := cumulate(City/NrInhabitants, City/Region_rel);
City/NrInhabitants City/Region_rel cumulateNrInh cumulateNrInhRegion
550 0 550 550
525 1 1075 525
300 2 1375 300
500 1 1875 1025
200 3 2075 200
175 null 2250 null
null 3 2250 200

domain City, nr of rows = 7